This is mainly just a list of some commands that I think are useful.
# Prompt - Displayed as “@: ”
set prompt="`whoami`@%B`hostname -s`%B:" #Custom Prompt settings
alias lsl 'ls -larth'
alias qstatme 'qstat -u mturner'
alias qsubm 'qsub -I -V -l walltime=08:00:00,nodes=1:ppn=24'
alias quota '/usr/bin/quota -s -u mturner'
The “lsl” alias should be self explanatory.
“qstatme” displays the current PBS queue for my username only.
“qsubm” will start an interactive PBS job, using 1 full node, and requesting 8 hours.
“quota” will display my quota
# set title
alias cwdcmd 'echo -n "\033]0;$cwd\007"'
“cwdcmd” will change the title of the terminal window to match the current working directory
# ignore files for autocompletion
set fignore=(.o .mod)
The fignore environment variable tells the command line to ignore files that end in ‘.o’ or ‘.mod’ when doing autocompletion.
Lastly, a few lines for those of us who frequently run interactive jobs in PBS
# automatically move to directory interactive job is started from
if ($?PBS_ENVIRONMENT == 1) then
echo 'Beginning Job : '$PBS_JOBID
echo 'Running on : '$HOST
echo 'Current Directory : '$PBS_O_WORKDIR
echo ' '
This bit of code will detect if the user has submitted an interactive job. If so, it will change the user’s directory to the directory from which the job was submitted. It will then display the job ID, the host, and the current working directory.
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