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Sunday, April 17, 2011

How to Stop "Thanks for Flying Vim" Message

If you are like me, you probably do a lot of your coding on a remote computer. I have known some people who will download all files from a remote computer onto their local system, make changes in a text editor, and then upload the files back to the remote server. This is a very inefficient way of coding, and is just one of the reasons why i choose to write all of my code in VIM.

If you have ready my other posts (specifically Useful .cshrc commands), you know that I like to have the title of the terminal set to my current working directory. However, after exiting VIM, I always end up with the frustrating “Thanks for flying VIM” message in the title.

I had read on other blogs and forums that adding set notitle to your .vimrc file will prevent the “Thanks for flying VIM” message from showing up.

Well, that didn’t work for me. After a lot of scouring the internet, I was able to find the solution.
let &titleold=getcwd()
Adding this to your .vimrc file will, upon exit from vim, set the terminal title to the current working directory.


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